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About me

I am passionate about real estate. I am the founder of investment and development company Magmillon, expert experienced in the field of real estate investment and property value increase.

I run apartment building renovation and extension projects and carry out greenfield development projects. I am a pioneer in the field of land development in Poland. I am a member of the management board of over a dozen investment companies active in the real estate market. Together with my business partner, Hubert Telecki, I manage the Magmillon team and supervise group investment projects in land and building development of an estimated value of PLN 150 Million. Earlier, I was transforming strategic products. For few years, I was also responsible for business development in international markets in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.

I love scuba diving, traveling and photography. I am an avid skier and enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle. I graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) in the field of Management and Marketing.